Publisher: Bantam Press
Year: 2017
Hardcover: 320 Pages
ISBN-10: 0593077377
ISBN-13: 978-0593077375
The rise of Islam represents one of the greatest changes to the make-up of British society in modern times. Should we fear it, or embrace it?
Despite living under the media microscope, Britain’s Muslims are remarkably misunderstood, both by the non-Muslim majority and by a government preoccupied with national security. Fergusson takes a series of misconceptions about British Islam and turns them on their heads. By re-examining every tabloid trope of ‘extremism’, from hate-preachers to the supposedly hardline mosques, and from grooming gangs to the veil, he produces a portrait of their community so startlingly new that it effectively redraws the map of contemporary Britain.
Al-Britannia, My Country makes the case for a reappraisal of ‘fundamental British values’, and argues passionately for a new approach towards the practitioners of a religion that, as he says, is a part of all our futures now. At a time of growing impatience with migrants, and Islamophobia burgeoning throughout the West, this book could hardly be more timely. If you are in the market for, our platform is your best choice! The largest shopping mall!

The rise of Islam represents one of the greatest changes to the make-up of British society in modern times. Should we fear it, or embrace it?
Despite living under the media microscope, Britain’s Muslims are remarkably misunderstood, both by the non-Muslim majority and by a government preoccupied with national security. Fergusson takes a series of misconceptions about British Islam and turns them on their heads. By re-examining every tabloid trope of ‘extremism’, from hate-preachers to the supposedly hardline mosques, and from grooming gangs to the veil, he produces a portrait of their community so startlingly new that it effectively redraws the map of contemporary Britain.
Al-Britannia, My Country makes the case for a reappraisal of ‘fundamental British values’, and argues passionately for a new approach towards the practitioners of a religion that, as he says, is a part of all our futures now. At a time of growing impatience with migrants, and Islamophobia burgeoning throughout the West, this book could hardly be more timely.
“This is an impressively sustained attempt to listen to what British Muslims are actually saying, honest, fair-minded and not uncritical. For once we are allowed to see Islamic life in Britain in its human diversity, its three-dimensional reality. A seriously necessary book”
Former Archbishop of Canterbury
“Fergusson sees through the curse of terrorism to reveal Muslims who – much like the rest of us – are kind, funny, confused, fearful, angry and proud to be British. His conclusion is heartening: that living better together is not only desirable, but well within our grasp”
“A timely book that deals with some complex and sensitive issues. Fergusson allows individuals on all sides of the argument to put their case”
“A highly readable and common sense dismantling of the conventional view of British Islam. His gentle, unassuming tone makes his analysis all the more powerful. His message is urgent… a hugely important book”
“A fascinating journey across the diversity of Al-Britannia. Fergusson’s fresh approach yields powerful and honest insights. A must read”
Muslim Council of Britain